hello =) i think that the first thing you should do is try to keep a clean face..have a routine or make it a point that you always have your face clean..bring with you some moist/wet tissues that are recommended for the face..also, oil blotters or oil-control paper would definitely help because it decreases the oil on your face..
second, make sure you know your skin type so you could buy the ones suitable for you..and try to choose products that are non-comedogenic..which means that they won't clog your pores..
if these simple fixes don't work for you still, might as well consult a dermatologist..it might be on your genes already..and they know what to do..
hope this helps..=)Getting rid of pimples and scars!?
Firstly, acne has nothing to do with hygiene. Anti-comodonogenic products help with with reducing blackheads. If you acne is not helped by over the counter products, then your GP can prescribe long term anti-biotics and topical creams to reduce the spots, large pores and prevent futher scarring.
Get in touch with the owner of www.romancing-the-soap.com
A medical person, she will provide you with excellent advice. I noticed on her website that she also sells a few medicinal soaps specifically for acne, eczema, etc. I'm sure you will enjoy the website and learn a lot !
The biggest rule would be not to squeeze them %26amp; thats e reason why it spread around!It also creates scars too.It takes much longer to fade away. The best would be goin to a facial treatment to cure it. try browsing through 88db website to get a centre that fits your budget.
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As a less abrasive alternative to benzoyl peroxide, the ZenMed Derma Cleanse Acne Gel is the perfect way to reduce the redness and swelling of unsightly acne without harming your already delicate skin. The salicylic acid in the ZenMed Derma Cleanse Acne Gel gently unclogs your pores and relieves all of your worst acnes nightmares while restoring your skin鈥檚 natural beauty. Really like this product also Zenmed products comes with 100% money back guarantee.
You can clean your skin with apple cider vinegar as a simple home remedy with great results. More such solutions at
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